Yeah, it’s like this working to get a new clinic off the ground

Don’t stay discouraged; it only delays what needs to be done. So much energy goes into planning, outlining, developing and initiating–but that’s barely the beginning. I’ve been thinking about this clinic for a long time, and only recently has the presence of Purpose Driven Therapy been felt by the community at large. I’m still growing the business and am not even near blooming. The trials of getting clients, working for referrals and managing the operations of the business weigh on me like the asphalt in the picture. I KNOW there is sunlight just past the surface, I just have to keep working to push through!

My purpose is to provide help to people living with neurological conditions through the interventions of Physical and Occupational therapy. I truly believe that in order to live life to its fullest, a person needs to be able to do the things that she or he enjoys, and that are important to how they want to keep living. I and my team want to work with each of our patients to be able to get them back to living the life they had; or want to have; given their diagnosis. Live with purpose- driven forward and full of activity!

Finding the right conditions for my business to be successful I thought was the easy part–very few clinics focused on neurological rehabilitation, and of them the wait time to see professionals boards on absurd. For children (Pediatric rehabilitation) in our area can be months before getting in to be seen. Fertile ground for a clinic!

Shining light on my small clinic has proven difficult; even more so because I’ve followed the plans laid out by various marketing companies, DIY marketers who decry “old” style communications (Newspapers, Radio, TV) and get very excited about social media marketing. While that is a trackable imprint based on the ‘likes’, and impressions provided; it certainly hasn’t translated into new clients. I’m still working on ways to get into the right light for this little start-up, and I hope some combination of marketing tactics helps me get my roots under me.

My temperature is steady; there’s good overall conditions in my area to be successful and hopefully soon we will reach that light above the asphalt. I know the conditions are right to BE the organism for outreach, growth and life God wants for Purpose Driven Therapy; and I’m going to continue to work hard to cultivate where I’m at to help others live purposefully!